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Civil Service Examination Postings

City of Norwich announces examinations for the following positions:

Title Application Deadline Exam Date
Physical Therapy Assistant - #23-PTA-1 (PDF) ACCEPTED CONTINUOUSLY -
Physical Therapist - #0824-PT-01(PDF) ACCEPTED CONTINUOUSLY -
Rental Housing Coordinator #88017010 (PDF) 01/24/2025 03/01/2025
Rental Property Manager #60017600 (PDF) 01/24/2025 03/01/2025
Library Clerk/Assistant #03012025 (PDF) 01/24/2025 03/01/2025
Police Chief - Type B (Open-Competitive) #60007960 (PDF) 02/03/2025 03/15/2025
Police Chief - Type B (Promotional) #70003750 (PDF) 02/03/2025 03/15/2025
Assistant Police Chief - Type B (Promotional) #70003740 (PDF) 02/03/2025 03/15/2025
Assistant Superintendent of DPW #70001490 (PDF) 02/27/2025 04/05/2025
Fire Chief - (Open Competitive) #75838010 (PDF) 02/27/2025 04/05/2025
Fire Chief - (Promotional) #88045010 (PDF) 02/27/2025 04/05/2025
Supervisor of Facilities and Grounds #88015010 (PDF) 02/27/2025 04/05/2025
Head Building Maintenance Mechanic #61672010 (PDF) 02/27/2025 04/05/2025
Police Officer #60021220 (PDF) 03/27/2025 05/03/2025
Ordinance Inspection Officer #60007920 (PDF) 03/27/2025 05/03/2025
Principal Library Clerk #73385010 (PDF) 03/27/2025 05/03/2025
Senior Library Clerk #73178010 (PDF) 03/27/2025 05/03/2025

If interested, submit your resume to the Department of Human Resources, One City Plaza, Norwich, New York 13815
Civil Service Application Form (PDF)
Application For Veterans' Credit (PDF)
Civil Service Fee Waiver form (PDF)

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