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Deer Control:
Since January 2024, the Deer Committee of the city of Norwich has been meeting monthly to discuss the problems that are seen in the city limits. The committee was comprised of four city residents and two non-residents, and Nancy Allaire, Alderwoman from Ward 3. In our first meeting, Courtney LaMere, DEC biologist, spoke to us about deer management problems and programs across central New York. She also explained what would be involved if we wanted to pursue some possible solutions. To that end, it was determined that a survey would help decide whether there was a need to move forward. The 2024 Deer Survey was published on the city of Norwich's Facebook page and a link was provided on the City's website. Additionally, a link was provided in an article in the Evening Sun. The survey was open for approximately 6 weeks beginning May 15.
The city received 181 responses to the survey, of which 156 were city of Norwich residents. If a respondent answered that they lived outside the city, they were unable to continue with the survey.
Of the 156 residents, 28 lived in Ward 1, 21 in Ward 2, 62 in Ward 3, 16 in Wards 4 and 5, and 13 in Ward 6. Forty-two percent of the respondents have lived at their current address for 16 or more years, 29% for 0 to 5 years, 20% for 6 to 10 years, and 9% for 11 to 15 years. Of those participating, 65% saw no problem with the deer, and 35% felt deer presented a problem. In reviewing the results, the committee has determined there was not enough response to continue. In summary, it was disappointing that so few residents responded, no matter what their feelings were about the results. Perhaps in the future, if more interest is shown, this issue can be addressed once again, possibly by ward.
Many thanks to the six committee members who volunteered their time and effort to this endeavor. And thanks to the residents who responded to the survey.
Deer Survey results can be seen here (PDF)

Health and Safety Characteristics: Allegro AMI (PDF with more information)

2024 Curb Appeal Grant Program
2024 Curb Appeal Grant Program (CAP) Overview (PDF)
CAP Brochure (PDF)
CAP Application (PDF)
CAP Press Release (PDF)

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